I hope this message finds you well and thriving on your Me Power journey. In the ever-evolving journey of self-empowerment, change is a constant companion.
I wanted to take a moment to share some book updates and insights, focusing on a universal theme that has played a significant role in my life recently: discomfort.
Change is inevitable, and feelings of discomfort often accompany it. Over the past year, I've experienced transformative shifts and challenges that have reminded me of the power of embracing discomfort as a catalyst for growth and positive change.
Here are 5 key lessons I've learned:
Embrace Your Barriers: It's easy to shy away from discomfort, but by embracing it, we can learn valuable lessons about ourselves and our potential. When we confront our barriers head-on, we discover new strengths and resilience we didn't know we possessed.
Focus on Your Strengths: In times of discomfort, we tend to be more attuned to our weaknesses. However, it's equally important to recognize and nurture our strengths. They are our guiding lights during moments of uncertainty.
Speak for Your Life: Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts and concerns during challenging times. Sharing your experiences and seeking support can be immensely empowering and therapeutic.
Choose Your Guide(s): Seek mentors, friends, or resources to help you navigate the discomfort. It's important to remember that you don't have to face adversity alone.
Ritualize Your Reflection: Regularly reflecting on your experiences, especially when discomfort arises, can lead to profound personal growth. Use this as an opportunity to assess your journey and make course corrections if needed.
As we continue to evolve and adapt to life's twists and turns, discomfort is not an obstacle to our personal growth but a stepping stone towards it. Our ability to embrace discomfort is a testament to our strength and resilience. And, ME POWER!
I would love to hear from you. How have you navigated discomfort in your life? What insights and wisdom have you gained from these experiences? Feel free to share your thoughts, stories, and strategies with me.
Remember, together, we can unlock our limitless power of positive change. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and let's continue to embrace discomfort, learn, and rise stronger.
Me Power Book Updates
Me Power turns 1! 🎉🎉🎉
The inaugural "Bookaversary" was on September 22, commemorating the ebook's release. The second milestone worth celebrating falls on November 5th when we marked an epic book launch event in Baltimore. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm excited to share these special moments with all of you!
Here are some mega highlights:
Me Power is a text for a required course at the University of San Francisco! It’s on the syllabus with Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, and Excellent Sheep by William Deresiewicz.
According to the Head of Publishing at New Degree Press, “the median book sells 100 copies in its lifetime, and the average traditionally published book sells 500 in its first year. Less than 50 books sell 100,000+ copies per year.” I’ve sold over 1,146 copies of Me Power!
Me Power was featured in a movie! I cannot disclose which one yet, but stay tuned.
Thank you so much for your support.
Before we bid farewell to 2023, I'm reaching out to you with a goal that may sound like a mission impossible but, with your help, can become a reality.
What's the goal, you ask?
It's to gather a grand total of 100 reviews on Goodreads and/or Amazon. Your insights and opinions are invaluable, and they play a pivotal role in helping others discover this empowering journey. After logging into Amazon, go to reviewmepower.com to easily access the page to leave a review.
Leave an honest review – the kind that truly reflects your thoughts. Share what you loved, and don't hold back if there's something you believe could be improved. Your honest reviews are the best, and they help shape the future of Me Power.
Don't forget that you're welcome to share your thoughts through a review, even if you haven't finished the book. Just make sure to mention your progress in your review. Your insights and initial impressions matter.
I’m actively editing the first cut of the audiobook and hoping to have it completed before December 1st.
Since the last newsletter, I’ve given three talks and have another keynote next month at the Women Entrepreneurs (WE) Mean Business Conference.
The title of my upcoming talk is "Together WE Run the World: Me Power in Motion." Stay tuned for more exciting marketing updates about this event, which marks a long-awaited return to in-person gatherings since 2019. We're anticipating a turnout of 200-250 individuals, making it an event to remember! RSVP here.
Three ⚡️ in 31 Seconds
⚡️There are 75 days left in the year. Embracing discomfort and conquering barriers is like embarking on a personal #75HardChallenge in life's journey. The #75HardChallenge consists of 5 daily tasks that must be done every day for 75 days straight. The tasks are:
Follow a diet of your own choosing, but no alcohol or cheat meals.
Complete two 45-minute workouts: 1 of these workouts must be outside.
Drink 4L of water every day.
Read 10 pages of a nonfiction book.
Take a progress picture every day.
Just as this challenge demands dedication and unwavering commitment for 75 days, our paths to growth and empowerment require resilience and determination. It's a reminder that within the year's limited days, we can confront our barriers head-on, step out of our comfort zones, and emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever. So, let's take each day as an opportunity to conquer challenges, embrace the discomfort, and rewrite our stories with courage and determination.
⚡️ What’s left for you to accomplish in 2023?
⚡️ Experience the enchantment of New Mexico's annual Balloon Fiesta in just 1 minute! Watch the magic unfold.
Wow thank you for so much informative information and the UPDATES!! Congratulations on the Movie placement and Required Reading List !!