It's easy to get distracted by the fanfare of a good festival: the food, the music, the arts. It's also easy to get caught up in the frenzy of trying to push through thousands of people on their way to grab a book. But once you take a moment to realize what the festival is about, it's impossible not to feel inspired by it.
You’ve got to love a city with an entire festival devoted to books! All over the world, on April 23rd, or World Book and Copyright Day or International Day of the Book, people celebrate to promote the enjoyment of books and reading.
In the video, you’ll see I was the first author featured to discuss Me Power after Kensington Mayor Tracey Furman greeted attendees and Isidre Sala, head of the Catalonia delegation to the U.S., discussed the history behind the Day of the Book.
Since the 15th century, Catalan’s most romantic day of the year has been on April 23rd, also the feast day of Sant Jordi or Saint George. As legend has it, the dragon kept a princess hostage, and Saint George killed the dragon with a lance while riding a white horse and freed the princess. After being killed, the dragon’s blood turned into roses as soon as it touched the floor. Contrary to popular traditions, Saint George did not marry the princess.
Traditionally, on Sant Jordi’s Day, men presented their lovers with roses, while women gave their lovers a book in return. Today, both men and women give roses and books to their friends, family, and partners as a way to celebrate love and literature.
Three ⚡️ in 31 Seconds
⚡️In 1926, Spain declared the 23rd April, the anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, the most famous Spanish writer, as Book Day. On the 23rd of April, England has been recognizing the death of Shakespeare and celebrating literacy. Coincidentally, this coincided with the day of the feast of Sant Jordi. What were you doing on April 23, 2023? Tell me something good about what you’re celebrating.
⚡️The City’s video highlight of the Kensington Day of the Book Festival.
⚡️What’s happening with Me Power? I’ve sold over 500 copies and just received notice of my FOURTH book award! This week, I am presenting on Me Power at the Creativity Conference in Ashland, Oregon. Next week, I hope to finish recording the audiobook version!
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